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Everything posted by AnonGen

  1. Download Atlas Forex Trading Course for Free ARE YOU COMPLETELY NEW TO FOREX TRADING? NO PROBLEM. OUR COURSE IS SUITED FOR BOTH ADVANCED TRADERS TO COMPLETE BEGINNERS. Forex basics – Understand the basics of what forex is, who’s involved, and how to get started as a forex trader. The effects of fundamentals – Identify and understand what and how key financial news releases effect the forex market. The traders mindset – Learn the importance of trading in the right mindset and gather tips and tricks to keep you focused. Risk management – Every trade comes with risk. We will discuss how to minimize risk and maximize your potential winning trades. Reading price action – Learn the importance of Price Action and why it is the only indicator you should be using. Critical zone trading analysis – Technical Analysis is an art form. Learn how we set our Critical Zones and key levels on the charts. Advanced chart patterns – Take an in-depth look at the different chart pattners that present themselves day in and day out across all currency pairs. What You Will Learn FOREX COURSE TEXTBOOK – You will gain access to a watermarked PDF Forex Course Book and Guide — written by the Atlas Forex Group. PRIVATE TRADERS GROUP CHAT – This is where the REAL learning happens. Interact with us and other members daily to find the best setups and discuss current trades, as we strive to make every Member profitable. LIVE WEBINARS – As demand dictates, we will host live webinars about key topics from our Course or any issues the group may be having. DOWNLOAD LINK
  2. Course Description Investopedia Academy has partnered with Ian King to create Crypto Trading - an innovative course that teaches you the practical knowledge to establish yourself in the crypto market, and the strategies required to successfully trade cryptocurrencies, tokens and commodities. CRYPTO TRADING Capitalize on the exciting and volatile crypto market by learning expert trading strategies that apply to cryptocurrencies, tokens and commodities. What will I learn? Stop focusing on the headlines and the supposed “future of crypto” and shift your focus to the money-making opportunities of individual cryptos Decipher varied applications of the blockchain within the retail and financial sector Prepare yourself for trading by setting up a wallet, selecting the right exchange and researching potential crypto investments Leverage technical analysis to spot short and long term crypto trends, and to mitigate market volatility and risk Develop entry and exit strategies and plans to stick with them, despite large intraday swings Trade on various crypto exchanges, with real time charting This course includes: 70 lessons of on-demand video, exercises, and interactive content Lifetime access to course so you can watch and rewatch whenever you want This course is designed for: intermediate crypto traders looking to move beyond the basics and develop real crypto trading strategies. This course shows you not only how to capitalize on the big players (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, etc) but also how to dabble in 1500+ alt coins currently in the market. Additionally, this course not only has a strong focus on applicable skills knowledge (creating a wallet, transferring crypto assets, deciding which platform to use to trade) but also has extensive trading strategies. DOWNLOAD FROM HERE
  3. Download The complete Cryptocurrency trading course A to Z in 2024 Sources : [Hidden Content] 30 DOWNLOAD FROM HERE
  4. 1 Course Outline (6:37) 2 What Is Ethical Hacking 3 What is A Virtual Machine ? 4 Why Linux ? 5 Downloading Virtual Box & Kali Linux 6 Creating Our First Virtual Machine 7 Installing Kali Linux Operating System 8 Update 1 - New & Old Versions of Kali Linux 9 Full Screen Mode & Network Settings 10 5 Stages Of A Penetration Test 11 Navigating Through Linux System 12 Creating Files & Managing Directories 13 Network Commands & Sudo Privileges In Kali 14 What is Information Gathering ? 15 Obtaining IP Address, Physical Address Using Whois Tool 16 Whatweb Stealthy Scan 17 Aggressive Website Technology Discovering on IP Range 18 Gathering Emails Using theHarvester & Hunter.io 19 How To Download Tools Online 20 Finding Usernames With Sherlock 21 Bonus - Email Scraper Tool In Python 3 22 Theory Behind Scanning 23 TCP & UDP 24 Installing Vulnerable Virtual Machine 25 Netdiscover 26 Performing First Nmap Scan 27 Different Nmap Scan Types 28 Discovering Target Operating System 29 Detecting Version Of Service Running On An Open Port 30 Filtering Port Range & Output Of Scan Results 31 What is a Firewall/IDS ? 32 Using Decoys and Packet Fragmentation 33 Security Evasion Nmap Options 34 Coding a Portscanner in Python 3 35 Finding First Vulnerability With Nmap Scripts 36 Manual Vulnerability Analysis & Searchsploit 37 Nessus Installation 38 Discovering Vulnerabilities With Nessus 39 Scanning Windows 7 Machine With Nessus 40 Lets cool down for a bit! 41 What is Exploitation ? 42 What is a Vulnerability ? 43 Reverse Shells, Bind Shells … 44 Metasploit Framework Structure 45 Msfconsole Basic Commands 46 Our First Exploit - vsftp 2.3.4 Exploitation 47 Misconfigurations Happen - Bindshell Exploitation 48 Information Disclosure - Telnet Exploit 49 Software Vulnerability - Samba Exploitation 50 Attacking SSH - Bruteforce Attack 51 Exploitation Challenge - 5 Different Exploits 52 Explaining Windows 7 Setup 53 Eternal Blue Attack - Windows 7 Exploitation 54 DoublePulsar Attack - Windows Exploit 55 BlueKeep Vulnerability - Windows Exploit 56 Update 2 - Routersploit 57 Update 3 - Router Default Credentials 58 Setting Up Vulnerable Windows 10 59 Crashing Windows 10 Machine Remotely 60 Exploiting Windows 10 Machine Remotely 61 Generating Basic Payload With Msfvenom 62 Advance Msfvenom Usage Part 1 63 Advance Msfvenom Usage Part 2 64 Generating Powershell Payload Using Veil 65 TheFatRat Payload Creation 66 Hexeditor & Antiviruses 67 Making Our Payload Open An Image 68 Post Exploitation Theory 69 Meterpreter Basic Commands Part 1 70 Meterpreter Basic Commands Part 2 71 Elevating Privileges With Different Modules 72 Creating Persistence On The Target System 73 Post Exploitation Modules 74 Exploitation Recap 75 What Are We Creating ? 76 Connecting Server And Backdoor 77 Processing Instructional Commands 78 Sending and Receiving Data 79 Executing Commands And Compiling The Program 80 Changing Directory Inside Of Our Backdoor 81 Uploading & Downloading Files 82 Testing All The Commands 83 Website Penetration Testing Theory 84 HTTP Request & Response 85 Information Gathering & Dirb Tool 86 Burpsuite Configuration 87 ShellShock Exploitation 88 Command Injection Exploitation 89 Getting Meterpreter Shell With Command Execution 90 Reflected XSS & Cookie Stealing 91 Stored XSS 92 HTML Injection 93 SQL Injection 94 CSRF Vulnerability 95 Hydra Bruteforce Attack Example 1 96 Hydra Bruteforce Attack Example 2 97 Burpsuite Intruder 98 Creating 2 Programs 99 Bruteforcer In Python 100 Hidden Directory Discovery 101 Theory - Man In The Middle Attack 102 Bettercap ARP Spoofing 103 Ettercap Password Sniffing 104 Manually Poisoning Targets ARP Cache With Scapy 105 Wireless Cracking Theory 106 Putting Wireless Card In Monitor Mode 107 Deauthenticating Devices & Grabbing Password 108 Aircrack Password Cracking 109 Hashcat Password Cracking 110 Android Hacking Theory 111 Android VM Install 112 Gaining Access With Android Meterpreter 113 Evil Droid 114 Is it Flappy Bird or Malware 115 Hack Any Device On Any Network With Ngrok 116 What is next ? 117 What Is A Programming Language 118 Python Interpreter 119 How To Run Python Code 120 Our First Python Program 121 Latest Version Of Python 122 Python 2 vs Python 3 123 Exercise: How Does Python Work? 124 Learning Python 125 Python Data Types 126 Numbers 127 Math Functions 128 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS: I 129 Operator Precedence 130 Optional: bin() and complex 131 Variables 132 Expressions vs Statements 133 Augmented Assignment Operator 134 Strings 135 String Concatenation 136 Type Conversion 137 Escape Sequences 138 Formatted Strings 139 String Indexes 140 Immutability 141 Built-In Functions + Methods 142 Booleans 143 Exercise: Type Conversion 144 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS: II 145 Exercise: Password Checker 146 Lists 147 List Slicing 148 Matrix 149 List Methods 150 List Methods 2 151 List Methods 3 152 Common List Patterns 153 List Unpacking 154 None 155 Dictionaries 156 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS: III 157 Dictionary Keys 158 Dictionary Methods 159 Dictionary Methods 2 160 Tuples 161 Tuples 2 162 Sets 163 Sets 2 164 Breaking The Flow 165 Conditional Logic 166 Indentation In Python 167 Truthy vs Falsey 168 Ternary Operator 169 Short Circuiting 170 Logical Operators 171 Exercise: Logical Operators 172 is vs == 173 For Loops 174 Iterables 175 Exercise: Tricky Counter 176 range() 177 enumerate() 178 While Loops 179 While Loops 2 180 break, continue, pass 181 Our First GUI 182 DEVELOPER FUNDAMENTALS: IV 183 Exercise: Find Duplicates 184 Functions 185 Parameters and Arguments 186 Default Parameters and Keyword Arguments 187 return 188 Methods vs Functions 189 Docstrings 190 Clean Code 191 *args and **kwargs 192 Exercise: Functions 193 Scope 194 Scope Rules 195 global Keyword 196 nonlocal Keyword 197 Why Do We Need Scope? 198 Modules in Python 199 Optional: PyCharm 200 Packages in Python 201 Different Ways To Import 202 Errors in Python 203 Error Handling 204 Error Handling 2 205 Exercises: Error Handling 206 Error Handling 3 207 Working With Files In Python 208 Read, Write, Append 209 File Paths 210 File IO Errors 211 Exercise: Translator Download Link - Gdrive
  5. This course will be your gateway to learn web design with blank HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files with a step-by-step approach. We can assure you that only this course will be enough for you to learn Web Development from scratch to intermediate. This course will take you from a complete beginner to a Master’s level in hours! By the way, you do not need to know anything about this course. This course will take you from a beginner to a more experienced level. You will learn HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and JavaScript step by step with hands-on examples. In this course you will learn; Learn to use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 to add unique styling to Bootstrap Learn and create amazing high-quality Bootstrap 4 themes and UIs from scratch Master every single Bootstrap component Learn to compile Sass in the easiest way possible using a GUI Get a crash course of the Bootstrap Grid System with the theme layout Learn how to add Website Scrolling Animation to any Bootstrap Component or HTML Element How you can operate on variables, Boolean logic, How to create a conditional statement, How you can perform transactions with Loops, How a function is created and why it needs arguments, How Arrays and Objects, which are basic data structures, are created, How DOM Manipulation is done, You will have learned and had the opportunity to test what you have learned with the code quizzes in our course. No prior knowledge is needed! Requirements No prior knowledge needed This course will take you from scratch to the advanced level Willingness and motivation to successfully complete the training Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer, and your ambition to get started today DOWNLOAD LINK
  6. [Download] Ishaq’s Binary Academy Course Free Download Link
  7. Fundamental Of Psychology By Prakhar Gupta MEGA LINK RAR password if asked would be whocares
  8. Course Description Kali Linux is specifically tailored to the needs of penetration testing professionals. Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. Kali contains several hundred tools aimed at various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Forensics and Reverse Engineering. Kali Linux is developed, funded and maintained by Offensive Security. Kali Linux will prepare you to enter the world of professional hacking by ensuring that you are well versed with the skills needed and tools used to compromise the security of enterprise networks and information systems. It is no longer sufficient to merely rely on traditional security measures. In order to ensure the security of critical information assets, it is essential to become familiar with the strategies, tactics, and techniques that are used by actual hackers who seek to compromise your network. MEGA LINK
  9. What you’ll learn • Configure a VPS server (Ubuntu) on amazon web services. • Install and configure Mail server on Ubuntu (MAIB) • Work with route53 DNS system in amazon • Learn how to connect using an email client and how to send email programmatically • Configure DKIM and SPF to avoid Spam mails. • Learn to Use Cpanel as a Mail Server. • Learn to Use Webmin as a Mail Server. • Send emails from your WordPress website via your own mail server
  10. Discover How Our Students Are Able To Quickly Make Some Of The Biggest Trades Of Their Life Using Our Proven Break-Through Strategies And Live Online Workshops… The Secret Strategies Workshop is a very special event as we shared several trading techniques that we never covered before. What was revealed can give you hundreds of new trades a week and best of all they will be highly accurate. The Billion Dollar Trader workshop focuses on a few techniques used by some of the world’s wealthiest hedge fund traders. These strategies will really open your eyes & level the playing field. You’ll never look at the markets the same again. Renko 2.0 is a crowd favorite at The Spartan Forex Academy as over 450 traders discovered the increased accuracy and clarity it gives. Renko trading really helps to filter out the bad trades which in turn will boost your confidence. The “800k” Workshop was a one-of-a-kind event as Nikos went over every trade he took to make his clients more than $800,000 in less than a year. This is your chance to look over the shoulder of a professional fund manager. Don’t miss this one… Become A “1-Market Expert” is designed to conquer a trader’s biggest problem. Too many things to focus on which leads to confusion, indecision, and inability to take action. Learn how to pinpoint profitable trades with speed and ease. The Fearless Trader workshop combines the best of both worlds. You’ll learn the core Spartan FX Trader system along with the “Missing Piece”. You see, a system will only work with a high level of confidence level and emotional control. DOWNLOAD FROM HERE
  11. Learn System Design, Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA) A Guided Learning Program for Software Developers About Scaler Academy Scaler Academy is tailor-made for engineers to master the foundations of CS (DSA & System Design) and to take their career to the next level, via: A structured, guided and industry vetted curriculum Live classes by faculty who have been there, done that Regular 1:1 mentorship from industry veterans Practical experience through real-life projects Career support via a dedicated recruitment team, alumni network, etc. Aspirational peer group of 3,500+ Scaler students & alumni Download Link
  12. Udemy - The Complete Foundation Stock Trading Course FREE DOWNLOAD Gain Real Confidence The Productive Confidence Udemy - The Complete Investment Banking Course 2019 Udemy - Comprehensive Guide to Financial Markets, Investing &Trading Shopify E-Commerce Websites for Beginners & Freelancers
  13. This presentation is split into 3 core parts: Part One: An Introduction To The Money Hat Mindset - I Take You Through My Mindset, Thought Processes, Dealing With Issues & My Major SEO Mistakes For 2021 Part Two: Advanced SEO Theory & Implementation - How I Create Theories, How I Research/Test Them & My Confirmed SEO Theories Part Three: Tactics & Techniques That Will Make Veterans Lean In - Brand New Advanced, High ROI SEO Strategies With Step-By-Step Breakdowns Sales Page: SEO Gems: Advanced Money Hat SEO Note: Mega Link is not permanent. Please Backup this DOWNLOAD FROM HERE
  14. Hello, Greeting of the day. There is a myth that 95% of startups fail in first three years of its inception. The major cause of failure can be attributed to lack of knowledge. Dr. Vivek Bindra’s Edtech Platform Bada Business has launched an online course titled “How to Start a Startup” where we teach 24 practical steps crucial to success of Startup. Acharya Balakrishna, Rahul Narvekar, Anuradha Agarwal, Samir Sathe, Anand Kumar and Yashish Dahiya share their practical experience about starting a Startup. Dr. Vivek Bindra How To Start-a-Startup? DOWNLOAD LINK
  15. Course Name: Dave Kettner – ETSY Profits Generator – How To Make $11,453+ Per Month On ETSY How To Fail 98% Of The Time & Still Be Able To Make $11,453+ Per Month Total Size: 9.65Gb DOWNLOAD FROM HERE
  16. Sales Page: click here CEH v10 Certified Ethical Hacker v10 (39 H 33 M) More than ever, companies are hiring ethical hackers to analyze, test, and secure assets. Learn how to become a Certified Ethical Hacker in this course. Download from here - click here
  17. Link - click here 100 Days of Code JAVA 125 Days to Expert Coder Interview Preparation In C++ Interview Preparation In JAVA PrepByte DSA Free Course Download Prep Byte, PrepByte PrepBytes All Courses Free Download
  18. What you'll learn Learn to use Kali Linux - a penetration testing operating system Learn linux basics Learn to crack WPA networks Learn to remain anonymous while hacking Learn to hack secure systems using client-side and social engineering attacks Learn to launch various Man in the Middle Framework (MITMF) plugins Learn to use Wireshark Learn to use veil framework to make payloads and get access to victim machine file system Learn about information gathering tools like nmap and netdiscover Discover open ports, installed services and vulnerabilities on computer systems Network basics & how devices interact inside a network Learn about BEEF framework Learn to make custom malware and backdoors with Python Learn to make port scanner with Python Learn to make macchanger with Python Learn to pen-test web applications with Javascript with BurpSuite Learn about Socket Programming with Python Learn to gain control over computer systems using client side attacks Learn to create complete web crawler with Python: Application that crawls all subdomains and links Learn to customize payloads to bypass most antiviruses Learn to discover vunerabilties like XSS, HTMLI, URI redirection, XEE and Host Header Injection in live and test website Learn to make Keylogger with Python, JavaScript and Kali tools Learn to gather sensitive information about websites Use social engineering to gain full control over target systems Learn to create some networking applications with Python like nmap scanner and macchanger Gdrive Link - click here Source link - click here
  19. What you’ll learn Create Your Massive, Successful YouTube Channel with 1,000,000+ views Professionally Promote Your Channel and Videos Rapidly Grow your YouTube Channel Have More and More Engagements with Your Channel and Videos Boost Your YouTube SEO Build Your Brand and Grow Your Audience on YouTube Sell Your Products and/or Services Right From YouTube Establish Your Own Online Business with YouTube Enjoy Your Freedom of Making Passive Online Income (MONEY) with YouTube Stop Worrying About Working for Others Get Paid Passively (on-going) Month after Month Sit Back and Watch Your Many Accounts Make YOU Money Works for all US and International students, wherever you are on this planet Requirements All Levels. No prior knowledge is required. You will need a computer, Laptop, Tablet or a smartphone. All devices work: Mac or PC, iOS or Android All you need is YOU and YOU! Just have an open mind and willingness to learn and implement You have to wrap your mind around the fact that modern video marketing is both new and old. Depending on how you navigate these factors, you will either succeed or fail. Either your video is going to convert people into buyers or they’re just going to sit there on YouTube getting zero views. Topics covered: Effective Video Marketing In A Nutshell Video Marketing: The Modern and Effective Way Let Your Competitors Do Your Video Marketing Homework For You Modern Video Marketing Essentials Figuring Out The Different Types Of Video Marketing Article-to-Video Marketing: Is It Right For You? Video Scribe and Other Whiteboard Video Creation Tools: The Inside Scoop Slideshow Creation Tools: Are They Right For You? Personality-Focused Videos Marketing Videos on Social Media Modern Vlogging Updated Vlogging is becoming increasingly more popular and there has never been a better time to start a vlog . People really enjoy watching high quality vlogs and some vloggers have subscribers in the millions. But you don’t need millions of subscribers to make money from vlogging. There are many vloggers that have a lot less subscribers that make a full time income and more from their vlogging activities. Doing something that you love and recording it to share with the world and making money at the same time. This is more than a dream – it can be your reality if you follow the advice provided in this guide. Topics covered: What is Vlogging? Ideas for Profitable Vlogs Starting a Successful Vlog Creating Great Videos Optimizing your YouTube Videos Promoting your Vlog Free Tools for Growing your YouTube Channel Ways to Monetize your Vlog Vlogging Best Practices How To Become A Successful Social Media Influencer Updated Influencer marketing is a new digital marketing strategy that consists of achieving a series of collaborative links between brands and companies and those people with high visibility and prominence on the Internet, known as ‘influencers.’ These social network kings are real diamonds in the rough for brands, companies, organizations and even entrepreneurs with emerging businesses. With this video course you will learn all secrets about influencer marketing. Here is what you’ll learn: Leverage TikTok, Instagram & Youtube for profits! How to set up your profile the RIGHT way! How to build your strategy for maximum profits! How to make brands beg YOU for promotions! How to build a loyal audience that will follow you for life! The dirty-little-secrets other Influencers are ignorant about! Topics covered: Introduction to influencer marketing Choose your niche Instagram - the fundamentals Instagram – let the game begin Instagram – the next steps Youtube – setting up the system Youtube – scaling up TikTok – first step to success TikTok – developing your strategy TikTok – analysis and goals Youtube Channel SEO Updated Video marketing is one of the easiest ways to get highly targeted traffic, but you have to do it right. The problem is that ranking on YouTube isn’t as easy as it was back in 2005, or even 2010. On top of that, there are tons and tons of different marketing strategies out there online. Many of these work and many of them have faded away. Methods have changed and so has YouTube’s algorithm. Understanding what keywords are in demand and how to properly optimize your video BEFORE you make it live is what will help YouTube know where to categorize your video. With this step by step course you will learn the most updated SEO strategies that you must do before you make your YouTube videos live. Topics covered: Introduction to YouTube SEO Competitive Research Your Title and Description Video File Optimization Your Thumbnail Video Length Secret Tip to Outrank Your Competitors 48 DaVinci Hollywood Video Editing Software Become a Hollywood quality video producer in less then one day! These top quality video tutorials will teach you how! Have you heard about this awesome video editing software that are widely used by professional video editors on some amazing 3D movies? The software is called DaVinci Resolve. You want to become professional and this amazing tool can be used for free. The thing is that, reading all the documentation of this powerful tool may burn you down. The good news is that inside this product is a video tutorial on how to effectively use the DaVinci Resolve software fast and professionally so you can immediately work on your own project. Part 1 Introduction to DaVinci Setting up a project Part 2 Create an Introduction Adding text Adding effects Adding music Part 3 Adding a lower third Removing the background color (non-green screen) Reversing the clip Part 4 Adding a wipe (+ green screen) Removing 2 background colors Part 5 Creating a pattern interrupt Adding text bubbles Using freeze frame Part 6 Things to know when using screen recordings Adding images Useful resources Remember to download the standard Davinci version (not Studio version) https:// www.blackmagicdesign . com/products/davinciresolve 14 Create Video with Camtasia 9 Advanced These Videos Take You Step By Step Through The Technical Parts Of Putting Your Marketing Strategy in Place! This Is a Practical Video Course With many Additional Video Tutorials Showing You How to Do What You Learned in The Course. Interactive Hotspot Interactive Hosting Survey Creation Screen Drawing Picture In Picture Video Optimal Set Up Mic Set Up Things to Do Before You Hit Record Mp3’s In Camtasia 9 Batch Recording and Batch Bundling The Six By Six Rule Eye Level Computing… and Much Much More 2 Online Business Plan It’s so important and so many people totally drop the ball when it comes to creating a business plan . Even if you have some kind of little business plan scribbled on a little post it note or something, you don’t stay on focus, you don’t stay on track, and you end up getting pulled in a whole bunch of different directions and then complaining about information overload. This video course is talking about creating a business plan. Building a business takes hard work. You will learn how you should act and what to do for starting a successful business. This video will give you right advice and motivation. 4 Running A Business This video course will give you some very important statistics. Also you will hear some information that might not sit well with things you’ve heard in the past from people that were trying to sell you something online. You will learn the facts important for you to run your business. Making money online and running an online business are two completely different things. The difference is whether your mind is right or not and your mindset is the one of the topics of this video. 24 Underground Traffic Sources Learn The Underground Traffic Sources! If you are a blogger, affiliate marketer or any online business owner, traffic is essential as this is the life-blood of any type of business you built on the internet. The thing is that, you have seen many articles and videos teaching you the general ways on how you can drive traffic to your website and the sad part is that, everybody is doing it. Well, the good thing is that there are still some traffic generation techniques that are usually been used and because of this reason you will not be lost in the crowd. 38 Work At Home and Digital Marketing If you’re keened to exploring your best Online Business Opportunity, you should definitely look into working from home using the Internet . You may not need the money, but you can definitely use the engagement. Wouldn’t you want to work on something that engages your sense of curiosity, adventure and possibility? Wouldn’t it be awesome to work on something that produces money while at the same time, pushes you to be as creative and as imaginative as could be? Earning an online income may be the answer you’re looking for. Topics covered in this video course: Why should you work from home? Get an online job as a virtual assistant Customer service representative/technical support General freelancer Become a blogger Translator Business consulting Bookkeeper or tax accountant Online tutor or teacher Become an Online Seller Virtual Juror Other Work from Home Opportunities Where to Get Online Guide To Basic Digital Marketing Who this course is for: Anyone with passion to learn and Master YouTube Marketing, Vlogging, Influencing, SEO… Tactics Individuals who need extra income. Anyone looking for extra income online. Anyone who want to be able to make money online while they do whatever they want. No prior online income knowledge is needed. Anyone with Beginner to Pro YouTube Marketing Experience. Links - 2.96 GB Mega File || 5 GB Mega File
  20. CODE WITH MOSH COURSES DOWNLOAD To land your coding dream job, you need to be skilled in as many areas of coding as you can. You need to know various programming languages, data structures, design patterns, front-end/back-end libraries, databases, etc. For a small monthly (or annual) fee, you’ll get unlimited access to all my existing and future courses. Just like your internet service, your subscription will renew automatically, but feel free to cancel anytime with a single click! Learn from my two decades of experience as a professional software engineer. Zero-fluff, value-packed courses with a perfect mix of theory and real-life practice. Link - click here
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