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Oreilly – Deep Learning with R, Second Edition, Video Edition 2022-10

Video Tutorial
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Deep Learning with R course, Second Edition, Video Edition. In this course you will learn:

  • Deep learning from the basics
  • Image classification and image segmentation
  • Time series forecasting
  • Text classification and machine translation
  • Text production, neural style transfer and image production

Deep learning has become essential for data scientists, researchers and software developers. The R language APIs for Keras and TensorFlow make deep learning accessible to all R users, even if they have no experience with advanced machine learning or neural networks. This book shows you how to get started using R for core DL tasks such as computer vision, natural language processing, and more.

What you will learn in this course

  • Image classification and image segmentation
  • Time series forecasting
  • Text classification and machine translation
  • Text production, neural style transfer and image production

This course is suitable for people who

  • Have intermediate skills in R.
  • No prior experience with Keras, TensorFlow, or deep learning is necessary.

Course details

Course headings

  • Chapter 1. What is deep learning?
    Chapter 1. Before deep learning: A brief history of machine learning
    Chapter 1. Why deep learning? Why now?
  • Chapter 2. The mathematical building blocks of neural networks
    Chapter 2. Data representations for neural networks
    Chapter 2. The gears of neural networks: Tensor operations
    Chapter 2. The engine of neural networks: Gradient-based optimization
    Chapter 2. Looking back at our first example
    Chapter 2. Summary
  • Chapter 3. Introduction to Keras and TensorFlow
    Chapter 3. What’s Keras?
    Chapter 3. Keras and TensorFlow: A brief history
    Chapter 3. Python and R interfaces: A brief history
    Chapter 3. Setting up a deep learning workspace
    Chapter 3. First steps with TensorFlow
    Chapter 3. Tensor attributes
    Chapter 3. Anatomy of a neural network : Understanding core Keras APIs
    Chapter 3. Summary
  • Chapter 4. Getting started with neural networks: Classification and regression
    Chapter 4. Classifying newswires: A multiclass classification example
    Chapter 4. Predicting house prices: A regression example
    Chapter 4. Summary
  • Chapter 5. Fundamentals of machine learning
    Chapter 5. Evaluating machine learning models
    Chapter 5. Improving model fit
    Chapter 5. Improving generalization
    Chapter 5. Summary
  • Chapter 6. The universal workflow of machine learning
    Chapter 6. Develop a model
    Chapter 6. Deploy the model
    Chapter 6. Summary
  • Chapter 7. Working with Keras: A deep dive
    Chapter 7. Different ways to build Keras models
    Chapter 7. Using built-in training and evaluation loops
    Chapter 7. Writing your own training and evaluation loops
    Chapter 7. Summary
  • Chapter 8. Introduction to deep learning for computer vision
    Chapter 8. Training a convnet from scratch on a small dataset
    Chapter 8. Leveraging a pretrained model
    Chapter 8. Summary
  • Chapter 9. Advanced deep learning for computer vision
    Chapter 9. An image segmentation example
    Chapter 9. Modern convnet architecture patterns
    Chapter 9. Interpreting what convnets learn
    Chapter 9. Summary
  • Chapter 10. Deep learning for time series
    Chapter 10. A temperature-forecasting example
    Chapter 10. Understanding recurrent neural networks
    Chapter 10. Advanced use of recurrent neural networks
    Chapter 10. Summary
  • Chapter 11. Deep learning for text
    Chapter 11. Preparing text data
    Chapter 11. Two approaches for representing groups of words: Sets and sequences
    Chapter 11. The Transformer architecture
    Chapter 11. Beyond text classification: Sequence-to-sequence learning
    Chapter 11. Summary
  • Chapter 12. Generative deep learning
    Chapter 12. DeepDream
    Chapter 12. Neural style transfer
    Chapter 12. Generating images with variational autoencoders
    Chapter 12. Introduction to generative adversarial networks
    Chapter 12. Summary
  • Chapter 13. Best practices for the real world
    Chapter 13. Scaling-up model training
    Chapter 13. Summary
  • Chapter 14. Conclusions
    Chapter 14. The limitations of deep learning
    Chapter 14. Setting the course toward greater generality in AI
    Chapter 14. Implementing intelligence: The missing ingredients
    Chapter 14. The future of deep learning
    Chapter 14. Staying up-to-date in a fast-moving field
    Chapter 14. Final words

Deep Learning with R course images, Second Edition, Video Edition

Deep Learning with R, Second Edition, Video Edition

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

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Subtitle: None

Quality: 1080p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 817 MB

File(s) password: www.downloadly.ir

File size

1.8 GB

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